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Second grade memory

Posted by Jessica Fuchs on Tuesday, July 19, 2011, In : my topic blog 
My second grade teacher was Ms. Carpter. I always thought I was desent to get the weird name teachers. But that another story on with this one. Our teacher had a board with pocket on it and in the pocket was 3 different color cards. Red, Yellow and Green. Green was good, Yellow was warning and Red was bad. Your pocket had your name on it. you start with a green card every day if you were bad your card could change. At the end of the day what ever color is in the pocket you color the circle on...
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Where would I go in a time machine?

Posted by Jessica Fuchs on Sunday, January 3, 2010, In : my topic blog 
Well that is a hard one. But I do know one direction I would not go and that the future because I believe that it does not exsite anywhere but in the human mind. So where in the past would I go? Hmm. To when Cleopatra had just became queen. I would love to see what she looked like. I would also like to see the end of her life. Because there are so many questions of reather she really killed herself or if the Caeser of the time had her kill and then print proagant that she killed herself.
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What is your favorite Disney character or movie and why is it your favorite?

Posted by Jessica Fuchs on Wednesday, December 30, 2009, In : my topic blog 

Cinderella is my favorite Disney character and movie. The reason for this is because of all the songs in the movie and the fact that she was not afraid of mice or birds. I like how nice she is to everyone even her stepfamily who mean to her. I like how she sings while she works something I have done more then once. I really can't think of any other reason. Why don't you tell me who your favorite Disney caracter or movie and why.

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About Me

Hazel eyes, on the large side. Love to read, Watch TV, and movies. I am a tomboy because I was raise by my dad.


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